Deccan Herald : Long drive for dogs’ treatment causing distress, say activists
Initially, there were eight ABC centres, one for each BBMP zone. The Mahadevapura centre was shut down a year ago after the lease ran out. As a result, street dogs from the area are being...
A certain section of activists believes that the BBMP is doing its best under the circumstances. “We have to make the most of what we have now. Yes, we all want first-class facilities for strays, it's currently not a reality.
These things take time," says Priya Chetty Rajagopal, an animal rights advocate.
Nandita Subbarao, an animal birth control advocate, believes the BBMP should investigate the issue further. "They should check with the transportation service provider what exactly happened.
Clearly someone has been careless and not made sure the sutures were intact," she states.