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The Dog Breeding and Marketing Rules 2017 (DBM 2017, PCA)

Writer: The CJ Memorial Trust The CJ Memorial Trust

Updated: Jun 21, 2022

Summary :

Many regulations and controls to prevent cruelty. Breeders must possess license to breed and sell, dogs cannot be displayed for immediate sale, and pups must be a minimum of two months old. Protection to the dam, medical testing, proper care and the kennel facilities are clearly outlined. It implies that even home breeding comes under the purview of the above act.



Ministry of Environment &Forests, Govt. of India Dog Breeding and Marketing Rules


It is regretted that due to an increasing demand for pet dogs, a number of unscrupulous breeders are setting up Dog Breeding Kennels throughout India. All too often the animals being bred are kept in appalling conditions and puppies that are weak and sick are often sold as young as 5 weeks. A large percentage of these weak and sickly puppies die soon after being sold causing huge emotional trauma to the buyers besides financial loss.

Another area of major concern is that the breeders use dogs of undesirable temperament (aggressive / nervous temperament) for breeding; this results in serious risks to the public through dog bites. The public are further endangered by the fact that increasingly number of unwanted dogs and puppies are being dumped on the streets and these aggressive animals breed with the local dogs thus adversely affecting their normal placid nature.

Therefore the public needs to be protected from the risk of being attacked by dogs that have been deliberately bred from aggressive or nervous animals. It is also only right that they are protected as consumers from buying sick animals that stand little chance of survival. Moreover, the welfare of the animals used for breeding and their progeny must also be taken into account.

The rules laid out in this document safeguards the public and the canine breeding stock, whilst at the same time they permit the real enthusiast to breed dogs in a responsible and humane way. Every attempt has been made to present the rules in a clear unambiguous manner that can be understood by dog breeders and those enforcing the rules without constant reference to legal advisors.


In these rules AWBI stands for the Animal Welfare Board of India.


1) All breeders of dogs must be registered with the AWBI.

2) Breeding of dogs without being registered is an offence and can result in the confiscation of breeding stock and puppies as well as a fine of up to Rs5,000 per un-sterilized bitch.

3) Registration with the AWBI does not in it self give breeders the right to set up kennels as all local planning, health and licensing laws must be complied with.

4) No person under 18 years of age may be registered as a breeder.

5) Only one person may be registered for each premises used for breeding.

6) A person can only be registered for one premises at a time.

7) Registration must be in the name of an individual not a company.

8) The name and address of the Veterinary Doctor employed by the breeder must be registered with the AWBI. The Veterinary Doctor must be registered with the Veterinary Council of India and the State Veterinary Council.


9) All breeding stock, both dogs and bitches, must be micro chipped.

10) All adult animals must be vaccinated against rabies, canine distemper virus, canine parvo virus, canine adeno virus, canine influenza and leptospira.

11) Vaccination certificates for all animals must be available for inspection.

12) All breeding stock are to be de-wormed and treated for external parasites as recommended by the registered Veterinary Doctor.

13) Each person registered may only hold no more than 6 breeding bitches and two stud dogs.

14) No more than two breeds of breeding stock may be held by any registered breeder.

15) The registered Veterinary Doctor must certify, in the Stock Control Register as in appendix 4, that the animals to be mated are in a fit healthy condition and that they are neither aggressive or nervous and are of good temperament.

16) The registered Veterinary Doctor must certify, in the Stock Control Register as in appendix 4, that the animals to be mated have no serious genetic defects.

17) No bitch will be bred from in her first season.

18) No stud dog will be bred from until it has reached 18 months of age.

19) No bitch will be bred from after she reaches 8 years old at which age she must be sterilized.

20) No stud dog will be bred from once it reaches 8 years old at which time it must be sterilized.

21) Once a bitch has had a litter she must not be mated in her following season.

22) A bitch will not be bred from more than 5 times in her lifetime.

23) After her fifth litter a bitch must be sterilized.

24) A bitch that has had 2 caesareans must not be bred from and must be sterilized.

25) The sale or disposal of any breeding stock must be entered in the Stock Register and full details recorded of the new owner along with the address and phone numbers.

26) Breeding stock may not be sold for vivisection.


27) No puppies may be sold until they have reached 8 weeks of age and are fully weaned.

28) All puppies must be micro chipped before sale.

29) All puppies must get their first vaccination at 6 weeks of age against Distemper, Parvovirus, Adeno virus, Leptospirosis.

30) All puppies sold must have a vaccination certificate signed by the registered Veterinary Doctor to show that the puppies have been fully vaccinated against Canine distemper virus, canine parvo virus, canine adeno virus, canine influenza and leptospira.

31) All puppies must be de-wormed in accordance with the recommendation of the registered Veterinary Doctor.

32) Puppies must be treated for external parasites as recommended by the registered Veterinary Doctor.

33) Vaccination certificates for all puppies must be available for inspection.

34) Puppies may not be sold for vivisection or to dealers that are known suppliers of animals for vivisection.


35) The various Kennel Clubs in India shall not register any pup / male / female dog which has not been registered with the AWBI.

36) Registering animals from a non-registered breeder with AWBI is an offence for which legal action may be taken.


37) In the event of any animal contracting a contagious or infectious disease at the establishment the Veterinary Doctor shall direct the quarantining of the establishment for as long as it takes to ensure there is no longer any risk of infection. During this period no animal may leave or enter the premises other than at the direction of the Veterinary Doctor for intensive care of the animal.

38) Any animal needing to be euthanized must be euthanized by a Registered Veterinary Doctor in a humane way by lethal injection and the body must be properly disposed of.

39) The breeder must ensure that during periods that the registered Veterinary Doctor is on holiday or unavailable another Veterinary Doctor is available to attend during the absence and a note to this effect shall be noted in the Veterinary Doctors Register.


40) No animal will under go tail docking, ear cropping or any other form of mutilation that is carried out for cosmetic reasons.

41) Any person carrying out any form of mutilation for cosmetic reasons will be prosecuted and any Veterinary Doctor reported to the Veterinary Council of India and the State Veterinary Council.


42) Food must be of good quality and provide a balanced diet.

43) Lactating mothers must be fed at least three times a day and receive vitamin and mineral supplements.

44) When puppies are being weaned they must receive regular small feeds throughout the day as directed by the Veterinary Doctor.

45) Fresh clean water must be available at all times.

46) Deprivation of food and water shall not be used to train, punish or move an animal


47) All breeding stock must receive daily exercise either in a large run or on a leash apart from when they have first whelped and a few days after whelping if the bitch is distressed at leaving the pups.

48) All adult dogs and puppies shall be handled with care so as not to hurt, frighten or distress them.

49) Any physical abuse will result in registration being immediately revoked and possible legal action taken against the person responsible.


50) Kennels must be built of non-porous material. Wood for example is not acceptable.

51) Kennels must be well maintained and cleaned at least twice a day with a suitable disinfectant recommended by the registered Veterinary Doctor.

52) Kennels must have proper drainage and sewage facilities.

53) Kennels must be built in such a way as to ensure that the animals do not suffer from heat or cold, rain, snow or drafts.

54) All bedding should be changed daily.

55) The minimum size of whelping area for small dogs up to a shoulder height of ………. shall be …………. with a minimum run size of ………. For dogs of mediumsize up to a shoulder height of ………. the minimum whelping area shall be …….. with a minimum run size of …………. For dogs of large size up to a shoulder height of ………. the minimum whelping area shall be …….. with a minimum run size of …………. For dogs of very large size above a shoulder height of ………. the minimum whelping area shall be …….. with a minimum run size of ………….

56) Whelping crates must be used for very large dogs.


57) All staff employed must receive training in the care and management of the facility, breeding stock and puppies.

58) All staff must have basic knowledge about the feeding requirements of both breeding stock and puppies.

59) All staff must have basic knowledge of canine diseases and be able to recognise the early stages of illness in the animal stock.

60) All staff must know what action to take on finding a sick or injured animal to ensure the animal receives treatment as quickly as possible.

61) All staff must know how to handle and restrain the breeding stock and puppies in a humane way so as to minimise stress.

62) No member of staff may ever physically abuse any animal in their care.


63) Transport of animals must be carried out in such a way as to reduce stress to a minimum.

64) No puppy under 8 weeks may be transported, without written permission of the Secretary of the AWBI, unless to the surgery of a Veterinary Doctor for treatment.

65) Should there be any reason for moving the breeding stock, or puppies before they reach 8 weeks old, such as for refurbishment of the kennels or moving of premises, written permission must be obtained from the Secretary of the AWBI.

66) In an emergency such as flooding, wind damage, fire and so forth animals may be moved for their protection without permission of the Secretary of the AWBI but notice of such a move must be notified within 7 days.


67) All transport crates must be in sound condition without any damage that could cause injury to the animal or cause it to escape.

68) All transport crates must be large enough for the animal being transported to stand with the head held in normal standing position without the head touching the top of the crate. It must be long enough to permit the animal to lay down without touching the front or the back of the crate, apart from the tail, and it must be wide enough to permit the animal to turn round in the crate with ease.

69) All transport crates will have holders to stop food and water bowls from falling over and the food and water bowls must be easily accessible from outside the crate to permit easy feeding and watering.

70) Transport crates must provide for good ventilation.

71) If the animal is being moved by a commercial transport operator the crate must have a document attached to it is such a way that it is easily readable and contain he following information: - a) From whom and where the animal is being transported from (consigner). b) To whom and where the animal is being delivered to (consignee). c) Phone numbers for both the sender and the receiver. d) Instructions for the feeding and watering of the animals. e) Instructions as to what action must be taken if the animals seem to be sick or injured. f) Instructions for exercising the animals if the journey is more than 5 hours in duration. g) Instructions for the cleaning of the crate if the journey is of more than 5 hours duration.

72) It is essential that all instructions and information attached to transport crates is provided in the local script and language that may be used by the transport operator according to the various areas in India. If the animal is being moved through different language zones the instructions and information must be provided in multiple languages to cover each area.


73) If the animal is being transported by air or exported to a foreign country all the international standards for transporting animals must be complied with.

74) No animal may be exported for vivisection or to dealers for on ward sale for vivisection.


75) Any road transport vehicle used for transporting animals must provide protection against extremes of heat and cold. No animal may be transported in a vehicle where the temperature rises above 35 centigrade or falls below 5 centigrade.

76) Road transport vehicles must provide a pollution free environment with good ventilation. Care must be taken to ensure that exhaust fumes from the vehicle cannot enter the area where the animals are kept.

77) Whilst providing good ventilation it must however be ensured that the animals do not suffer from the effects of drafts or wind that could be detrimental to their well-being.

78) The vehicle must provide protection from rain or snow.

79) The animals being transported must be checked every two hours.

80) Vehicles must be driven with care and consideration for the animals being transported.


81) Animals being transported by boat or ship must be kept in an area where they cannot suffer from water spray.

82) The area where the animals are stoed must provide protection against extremes of heat and cold. No animal may be transported in an area where the temperature rises above 35 centigrade or falls below 5 centigrade.

83) Animals must be provided with a pollution free environment with good ventilation. Care must be taken to ensure that exhaust fumes cannot enter the area where the animals are stowed.

84) Whilst providing good ventilation it must however be ensured that the animals do not suffer from the effects of drafts or wind that could be detrimental to their well-being.

85) Protection must be provided against rain and snow.

86) Animals must be stowed in an area where the animals can easily be checked and this should be done at least every two hours during the journey


87) Following stock registers must be maintained in the format set out in the appendixes listed.

88) All Registers shall be maintained in good condition and be available for inspection at all times.

89) All entries must be clear, readable and in permanent ink.

90) No pages may be torn out of any of the Registers and no records obliterated or deliberately made unreadable.

91) The Stock Control Register must be maintained in accordance to appendix4.

92) The Stud Dog Register must be maintained in accordance to appendix 5.

93) The Bitch Register must be maintained in accordance to appendix6.

94) A separate Bitch Register must be maintained for each bitch registered.

95) Should the bitch be sold a Notarised copy of the register must be forwarded to the AWBI along with details of the new owner.

96) The original register must go with the bitch sold so that on going records can be maintained and to ensure the registered Veterinary Doctor at the new establishment knows the animals breeding history.

97) If the bitch is sold after being sterilized the Bitch Register must be sent to the Secretary of the AWBI along with a certificate from the Veterinary Doctor sterilizing the animal.

98) The Veterinary Doctors Register must be maintained in accordance to appendix 7

99) Any adult dog not listed as breeding stock on the premises must be sterilized and microchipped. A certificate issued by the Veterinary Doctor sterilizing the animal must be available for inspection and must give a full detailed description of the dog along with the microchip number of the animal. The animal must be listed in the stock register in the prescribed manner, see appendix 4.


100)The breeding establishment will be inspected at least once a year as well as prior to registration.

101)The AWBI may send anyone it appoints to inspect the premises and records without notice.

102)If full cooperation is not provided to those appointed as inspectors by the AWBI registration may be denied or revoked.

103)The registered Veterinary Doctor must sign a declaration form every six months in the format provided by the AWBI, see appendix 3, to show they are satisfied with the standards of care.


104) If the inspector not be satisfied with any aspect be it the condition of the animals, the kennelling, hygiene, the failure to keep proper records or any non compliance with any of the rules the inspector may: - a) Issue a notice of non compliance giving the breeder up to 30 days to correct the fault. See appendix 3. b) Reject or revoke the registration.

105)In the event of rejection or notice of registration being revoked, if the inspector was not a Veterinary Doctor the AWBI will arrange for a follow up visit by a Veterinary Doctor of its choosing to inspect within 10 days. If the Doctor agrees with the decision to reject or revoke the AWBI will send a formal notice.

106)If it is considered that the animals are at risk of neglect or abuse the AWBI will immediately ask the local magistrate to confiscate the animals on the recommendation of the Veterinary Doctor and these animals should be handed over to a local shelter recognised by the AWBI.*

107)In the event of an application being refused or registration being revoked the breeder may file a formal appeal in writing to the AWBI within 10 days of receiving the notice.

108) Any breeder who has received notice that registration has been refused or revoked may not, unless authorised in writing by the Secretary of the AWBI, buy, sell, trade, transport or exhibit either adult dogs or puppies. This rule takes effect from the moment notice is served and remains in force until the result of any appeal has been decided.

109)Appeals will be considered by the AWBI sub committee constituted to over see such appeals. The committee will consist of the Chairman, Secretary, a Veterinary Doctor, a legal advisor and at least two other Board Members / Co-opted Members of the AWBI committee. The decision of the committee shall be final and binding.

110)All appeals must be considered by the committee within 40 days and the decision notified in writing to the breeder within 10 days of the decision being taken.

111)The AWBI shall in the case of rejecting the appeal have the power to confiscate all animals held by the breeder.

112)All animals confiscated from a breeder will be sterilized. If puppies are homed it will be on the strict terms that they will be sterilized as soon as old enough and not used for breeding. Non compliance will be an offence and fine up to Rs. 5000/- could be slapped.


113) The cost of registration shall be Rs500 per animal registered.

115) Registration shall last 12 months.

116) Renewal applications should be sent 30 days in advance.

117) All registrations and renewals will be subject to an inspection by a person designated by the AWBI.

118) An application form giving full information as detailed on the form shall be provided as in accordance with appendix 1.

119) Payment must be sent with the application by way of a Bank Draft drawn in favour of the Secretary, Animal Welfare Board of India.

120) The application form should be sent to the: - The Secretary, Animal Welfare Board of India, Dog Breeders Registration Dept, 13/1 Third Seaward Road, Valmiki Nagar, Thituvanmiyur, Chennai – 600 041. Tel. Nos. 044-2445 4958. 044-2445 4935. Fax No. 044-2445 4330.

List of attached appendixes: -

Appendix 1.

Copy of Registration Application Form

Appendix 2

Copy of Veterinary Certificate that requires signing and sending to the Secretary, AWBI, by the Registered Veterinary Doctor to certify the establishment is being maintained in good order.

Appendix 3

Notice of Non-Compliance.

Appendix 4

Layout of Stock Control Register.

Appendix 5

Layout of Stud Dog Register.

Appendix 6

Layout of Bitch Register.

Appendix 7

Layout of Veterinary Doctors Register.



(Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India)



Registration Number………………

(1) Full Name and address of breeder along with name of the Kennel if any (in Block Letters):

(2) Phone Numbers of the Breeder:

(3) Address where female breeding stock are housed:

(4) Address where stud dogs are housed:

(5) Name, address and phone numbers of Veterinary Doctor used by the breeder:

(6) Details of Identification of breeding stock (Bitches / stud dogs) to be provided on a separate sheet along with a post card sized colour photograph in the following format for each animal:

Micro chip Number…………….Breed……………Age (D.O.B.)……………..Colour & Body Markings…………………..Date of last rabies vaccination……………..Date of last 7 in 1 vaccination………………..Date of last De-worming……………………

(7) Details of Registration/ Licensing with Kennel club and local civic body (if any).

(8) Current Vet. Health Certificate & Breeding fitness Certificate from a Regd. Veterinary Surgeon (Regd. with State Veterinary Council / Veterinary Council of India) giving full details of his registration & address.

(9) Post Card sized colour photograph of the kennel where breeding stock is housed.

(10) Details of arrangements for Veterinary Cover for the breeding stock.

(11) Full Details of the previous litters of the breeding bitch also giving the number of pups born/died/sold retained etc.

Stud Dog / Bitches Registration Fee: - A Registration fee of Rs. 500/- per dog / bitch shall be payable along with the application form.

Additional stud dogs and bitches: - If after initial registration additional dogs or bitches are added to the breeding stock the animals must be registered with in 1 month. A separate registration form will be required for each new animal.

I enclose Bank Draft bearing No……………..dated………… for Rs…………………….. drawn in favour of Secretary, Animal Welfare Board of India with the above application for registration of _____ number of stud dogs / bitches.


I declare that all the information provided is correct and accept that I shall be liable for prosecution should this fail to be the case.

Date………………. Signature of the Applicant

Please send this form to: - Secretary, Animal Welfare Board of India, 13/1, Third Seaward Road, Valmiki Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai – 600 041. Tel.Nos. 044-2445 4958. 044-2445 4935 Fax No.044-2445 4330

Notes: -

Any registration issued by the AWBI does not in itself provide the right to establish a Breeding Establishment. It is the responsibility of the holder to ensure that he meets with all the Local Planning, Civic and Health Authority regulations.

The Veterinary Surgeon of the breeder will forward a detailed inspection report of breeding establishment (format attached) at least once a year and a certificate of good practice must be issued by the said Veterinary Surgeon for further continuance of breeding activity.

An inspector detailed by the AWBI may also inspect the premises, animals and records of Breeder at anytime.

Any additional dogs or bitches other than breeding stock held at the household or kennel that are not registered for breeding must be sterilized.

No puppies may be sold until they have reached the age of 8 weeks.

Bitches will not be mated in their first season..

Strict records must be maintained regarding all breeding activities. Directions as laid down by AWBI from time to time in this regard be adopted in letter & spirit.

For AWBI Official use only.

Date of receipt of Application

Registration: - Accepted / Rejected

Reason for rejection: -

Number of breeding bitches Registered: -

Number of stud dogs Registered: -




This is to certify that I am a Veterinary Doctor registered with the State Veterinary Council / Veterinary Council of India.

I further certify that I have today carried out an inspection of the establishment listed below and my findings are as follows: -

The general maintenance of building and premises is in a Poor / Reasonable / Good condition.

The standards of hygiene are Poor / Reasonable / Good.

The drainage and sewage systems are Poor / Reasonable / Good.

The feeding & upkeep of the animals appears to be Poor / Reasonable / Good.

The number of breeding Bitches seen were …………..

The number of Stud Dogs seen were ………………..

The number of puppies in total were ………………..

All vaccination and worming records were inspected and up to date.

Inspection for Bitches: - A separate certificate signed for each animal must be attached in the following format: -

Micro Chip No: -

I certify this bitch is in Poor / Reasonable / Good physical condition.

I found the animal to be suffering from the following injuries, illnesses or deficiencies: -

Number of puppies present: -

Date of birth of puppies: -

List any concerns regarding puppies: -

Signed …………………………

Inspection for Stud Dogs: - A separate certificate signed for each animal must be attached in the following format: -

Micro Chip No: -

I certify this dog to be in Poor / Reasonable / Good physical condition.

I found the animal to be suffering from the following injuries, illnesses or deficiencies: -

Signed ………………….

Other dogs at the establishment.

I certify that other dogs or bitches of breeding age at the establishment have been sterilized and are in a good healthy condition.

Name and address of Establishment: -

Name, address and phone number of Veterinary Doctor carrying out the inspection: -

Declaration by Veterinary Doctor: -

I certify that the information provided in this report is accurate as far as I am able to ascertain. I accept that making a false declaration could result in legal action being taken and a formal complaint being made to the State Veterinary Council and the Veterinary Council of India.

Signed: - Dated: -

This certificate should be sent to the: -

Secretary, Animal Welfare Board of India, 13/1, Third Seaward Road, Valmiki Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai – 600 041. Tel.Nos. 044-2445 4958. 044-2445 4935 Fax No.044-2445 4330



This is a formal notice that for the following reasons I am not satisfied with the standards being maintained and serve notice that you have 30 days to make the required changes. Should the changes not be made to my satisfaction I shall revoke your registration.

The following problems must be addressed: -

What is required to resolve the problems: -

Signature of Inspector: -

Date: -

This notice is issued to: -

Breeders Registration Number: -

Breeders name: -

Breeders address: -

Breeders phone numbers: -

This notice is issued by: -

Name: -

Address: -

Phone numbers: -


If the inspector feels there maybe threats made against them they may leave the section for their details blank for the copy issued to the breeder.

A copy of the notice must be sent to the Secretary of the AWBI containing the inspectors full details.



This log must be set out in the following format and contain the following information: -

Pages will be numbered with the back of each page being left blank and un-numbered.

The pages of the log are to be with printed lines for ease of clear writing.

All entries are to be made in permanent ink and in capitals.

Each entry must be clearly readable and no entry may be obliterated, if a mistake is made it may be crossed out with a single line strike through it that does not stop the mistake being read.

The log should be structure as follows: -

Pages 1, 2 & 3: -

For recording the current Veterinary Doctor registered with the AWBI: -

Date: -

Name: -

Address: -

Phone numbers: -

Pages 4 to 15: -

List of Stud Dogs held in the following format: -

Date purchased: -

Name of dog: -

Microchip Number: -

Age of dog: -

Previous owner of Dog: -

Name: -

Address: -

Pin Number: -

Phone numbers: -

Disposal of Dog:-

Date: -

Sold to: -

Name: -

Address: -

Pin Number: -

Phone numbers: -

Had dog been sterilized? : -

If dog died give reason: -

Signed by registered Veterinary Doctor: -

If dog was euthanised give reason: -

Signed by registered Veterinary Doctor: -

Pages 16 to 50: -

List of Bitches held in the following format: -

Date purchased: -

Name of bitch: -

Microchip Number: -

Age of bitch: -

Previous owner of Dog: -

Name: -

Address: -

Pin Number: -

Phone numbers: -

Disposal of bitch:-

Date: -

Sold to: -

Name: -

Address: -

Pin Number: -

Phone numbers: -

Had dog been sterilized? : -

If bitch died give reason: -

Signed by registered Veterinary Doctor: -

If bitch was euthanised give reason: -

Signed by registered Veterinary Doctor: -

Pages 51 to 55

List of all animals that are sterilized and resident at the establishment.


Microchip number.



Name of Veterinary Doctor who sterilized the animal.

Address of Veterinary Doctor.

Phone numbers of Veterinary Doctor.

Pages 56 to 75

CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH (prior to mating)

This is to certify that I, the registered Veterinary Doctor with the AWBI for this establishment have examined the following dogs / bitches on the date given and consider them to be fit and healthy for breeding. I am satisfied that they are not aggressive or nervous and are of good sound temperament. I also consider that the animals examined do not have any major genetic problems. This certification shall be valid for 21 days from the date of the examination.

For each animal examined the following must be recorded and each entry must be signed by the Veterinary Doctor to signify the animal meets the criteria of the declaration above. Any animal not fit for breeding shall not be entered.

Date: -

Microchip number: -

Name of dog / bitch: -

Breed: -

Veterinary Doctors signature: -



Page 1.

Dogs name: - …………………………….

Microchip Number: - ……………….

Breed: - ……………………………

Date of birth: - …………………………………..

Details of Parents if available.

Mother / Dam: - ……………………………………

Father / Sire - ……………………………………..

Page 2 and onward the following details must be recorded for all matings: -

Date: -

Bitch mated with: -

Microchip number of bitch: -

Premises where mated: -

Owner of bitch: -

Name: -

Address: -

Pin code: -

Phone numbers: -



Page 1.

Bitches name: - …………………………….

Microchip Number: - ……………….

Breed: - ……………………………

Date of birth: - …………………………………..

Details of Parents, if available: -

Mother / Dam: - ……………………………………

Father / Sire - ……………………………………..

Page 2 to 6

The following details must be recorded for all matings: -

Date: -

Dog mated with: -

Microchip number of bitch: -

Premises where mated: -

Owner of bitch: -

Name: -

Address: -

Pin code: -

Phone numbers: -

Details of Stud Dogs parentage: -

Date of birth: - …………………………………..

Details of Parents, if available: -

Mother / Dam: - ……………………………………

Father / Sire - ……………………………………..

Pages 7 onwards: - Record each whelping and the following details: -

Date of whelping: -

Did the bitch have to under go a caesarean? : -

Number of puppies born: -

Details of puppies still born or died within 3 hours of birth: -

Number of male puppies surviving more than 3 hours: -

Number of female puppies surviving more than 3 hours: -

Date of first vaccination: -

Date microchipped: -

Microchip numbers:

Males: -

Females: -

Date first wormed: -

Sale of puppies: - (detail each puppy separately)

Date of sale: -

Age of puppy at date of sale: -

Microchip number of puppy sold: -

Sex of puppy: -

Name of purchaser: -

Address of purchaser: -

Phone numbers of purchaser: -

If the purchaser is a breeder give the AWBI Breeders Registration number: -

Was the purchaser was a dealer or pet shop?

Was a current vaccination certificate provided with the puppy?

Details of any deaths in the litter other than those listed at whelping time, give individual details for each puppy: -

Microchip number of dead puppy if microchipped: -

Sex of puppy: -

Reason for death: -

Signed by Veterinary Doctor: -



The following information must be entered by the Veterinary Doctor on each visit; -

Date of visit.

Time of visit.

Reason for visit.

Details of vaccinations given.

Details of microchips implanted.

Details of any sick animals.

Details of any injured animals.

Details of any treatments given.

Details of any whelpings since last visit.

Details of any deaths or animals being euthanized and the reasons.

Details of any instructions or advice given.

All animals referred to must be identifiable with name and microchip number or in the case of young pups their mother must be named.

If any cause for concern is noticed such as dirty conditions, poor feeding and so on it must also be noted and the breeder given instructions on what to do to correct the situation.

Should concerns not be properly addressed it is the responsibility of the Veterinary Doctor to report the situation to the Secretary of the AWBI.

If the Veterinary Doctor is considered negligent in his duty of care towards the animals or gives false or misleading information to the AWBI a complaint will be lodged with the Veterinary Council of India and possible action taken under the PCA Act, 1960.

If the Veterinary Doctor attending is not the registered doctor for the establishment he must give his full details including his qualifications, name, address and phone numbers.



1 Comment

Sep 22, 2021

Great post, thankyou


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