The scariest thing has happened. Our beloved dog isn't there - lost, stolen, escaped. You’ve searched everywhere around…
Worried sick, imagining the worst, we cant think straight.
So what should we do?
We at CJMT have seen many, many cases , prompting us to launch the campaign #DogTagged NOT #DogGone #NoMoreLostDogs , where we have distributed over 18000 plastic name tags, free. A name tag could save your dog 7 reunite parent and dogs in a jiffy. .
So what should you do ? Here's a primer:
Good Luck , be strong , collaborate, work hard. They are somewhere out there waiting for you. It’s your job to find them . Please share your story once you find them and pay it forward - to help OTHER parents like you .
Collection of suggestions across squads
Some points for lost dog search some of which may help:
- Form a sub group whatsapp group which serves as a Rescue group (for search team, posters, social media)
- Khaki police (will broadcast lookout to all stations and to beat police like Hoysala and Cheetah)
- Municipality/Panchayat (will broadcast lookout to all ground employees including garbage and sewage workers)
- Traffic police (will give cctv footage etc)
- Area commander if military, paramilitary, border etc areas fall in search zone
2. If traffic police cameras lose sight of the dog at some point, use private cctv footage like houses and shops with help of police
3. Approach for police K9
also , as other have said animal communicators have proved useful on occasion
1.Immediately alert following:
- Rescue groups (for search team, posters, social media)
- Khaki police (will broadcast lookout to all stations and to beat police like Hoysala and Cheetah)
- Municipality/Panchayat (will broadcast lookout to all ground employees including garbage and sewage workers)
- Traffic police (will give cctv footage etc)
- Area commander if military, paramilitary, border etc areas fall in search zone
2. If traffic police cameras lose sight of the dog at some point, use private cctv footage like houses and shops with help of police
3. Approach for police K9 and if they cannot be made available for any reason then hire private sniffers
4. If dog is not located at end of 48 hours then hire private detective immediately
(Ignore sceptics who say that police, municipality, panchayat shouldnt be approached because they wont help locate a dog, in all my rescues they have done their best.)
Steps to find your missing Dog
1. Collate pictures and basic details of the missing dog, with details such as Name of the dog, last known time and location, key identifiers (breed, gender, age, color, visible identification marks) in a message and put it across Facebook/ Instagram/ whatsapp to family friends and in the local canine squads (SPOC contact number: to be updated)
2. Make a poster with all the above details in bright colorsand big fonts to grab attention. Make sure to add owner contact details. Would recommend incentivizing with a reward if possible.
3. Put these updated posters on all digital media (as mentioned in point 1)
4. Form a search party to support. The first 3-4 days are crucial! And ensure the search is carried out in teams at early morning (before 8am) and later evenings (after 8pm)- less traffic gives pets the confidence to step out of hiding in search for food, water etc.
5. Search party can create a perimeter to search for the dog, basis the location where it was lost(was is close to home, busy street, familiarity to the area it was last seen), the pets’ usual behaviour (is it a wander or not, is it usually scared of people/traffic/ other dogs, are some questions to ask as a pet owner) and if you believe, you could seek help from an animal communicators to identify the search parameter (they worked for some and not for the others)
6. Seek support from the search party to put up posters across the identified areas. Make sure to inform and speak to key people such as security guards (they know people and animals of that area), auto rikshaw drivers (they usually cover that vicinity and can keep an eye), pourakarnikas/ sweepers/cleaners (the are usually most aware of the animals in the area, and any new entrants will catch their attention), cart vendors (especially foodcarts- dogs usually approach them for remains and new dogs will be noticed),while putting up posters.
7. Do not forget to speak to feeders in the area, dog walkers (morning and night) they know the dogs! And are part of the animal community!
8. Reach out to the nearest police station for an FIR (in case you suspect theft/dognapping) and NCR (for instances of missing dog) and also give them the posters and request beat police to keep an eye out. Similar approach can be taken to other patrol vehicles of that area such as BBMP/ BESCOM/ private security personnel/ milkman/ newspaper boys etc
9. Request Police to give permission to access cctv footage of private shops and establishments to track the movement of the pet (easier to have them sanction access to private cctvs and incase you track your pet and then traffic police cctv support, its easier to justify the request)
10. Share the poster with all local vets and pet hospitals. There is more humanity than meets the eye and if a rescuer finds your dog, there is high likelihood of them taking it to a vet for a check.
11. Do not lose hope! Your dog is your family and they need you to fight for them, now more than ever. All the Best!
Do’s and Don’ts while Searching:
• Carry 2 types of torch light (white and yellow- they reflect differently at night and should you miss one, chances of finding with another).
• Each search party should ideally have a family member, that the dog recognizes
• Carry articles that the dog recognizes as home; its leash, toys, food, towels, clothes etc
• Wear the same clothes everyday while on the search…the stronger your scent easier for the dog to identify (especially post day 2-3 the dogs start losing energy).
• But don’t be too overconfident of the dogs finding you if you call out! They are too scared to take that risk and 90% cases the dog even if its less than 50 meters away will never step out of hiding
• Remember to move every item cloth, rug, tarpaulin, and look inside every gutter, every nook, and every hole in the wall
• Once you spot your dog even if it can smell/ see you it might not come out of hiding, due to fear. Call out gently, give it comfort, put forth its towel/toys for reassurance. Put your hand out for it to smell and come to you and when it does, hold on tightly (that excitement make cause it to poop and pee and scream, its ok! Let it vent- he/she has had the worst that can happen to them)
• If you find it in a busy place, put on the leash immediately, they may run in excitement – and you don’t want a mishap.
• Give it water and some immediate food- for comfort.
• Carry them home. Look for cuts/ bitemarks, injuries. And a vet visit is recommended soon.
• Snuggle with love!
Key Contacts:
Canine squad contact:
Animal communicators: (your canine squad member should be able to help)
I support blanket ban on crackers.