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Lead by example, Government offices. Neuter & vaccinate your own office dogs first

Writer: The CJ Memorial TrustThe CJ Memorial Trust

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

This is Rosie at Vidhana Soudha with her third litter. All her pups here are gone.

Lead by example , Government offices.  Neuter and vaccinate your own office dogs first. While Supreme Court mandate is clear on responsible stray dog management via  ABC (Animal Birth Control) & ARV (Anti Rabies Vaccination) , as is the AWBI (Animal Welfare Board of India) & PCA (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act) , it’s shocking that the very agencies that should be implementing this, are failing to do so. By not implementing this, they are compromising  their own colleagues’ health and safety as well. We are amazed to find not only a large number of intact, unsterilized dogs in the Vidhana Soudha for example , but hugely concerned that many of the legislators, policemen and administrators (who should  not only know the laws, but help enforce it) , are often mistakenly trying to get rid of the dogs by illegal relocation or culling. In addition, they are guilty of driving out or harassing feeders and caretakers.  In addition, they are often guilty of inappropriate, wrong and ill-judged statements on this issue. Not only does it show up our government & lawmakers  in a poor light , but it is illegal and sets a poor example and precedent. What then will the private citizen across apartments , resident welfare associations and communities learn from this behavior? In fact when we have attempted to either pick up dogs for vaccination and neuter , the security and building personnel stop us from both picking and dropping the dogs and make it difficult for us. If the lawmakers themselves rather than take initiative, actually  obstruct  concerned citizens from helping safety and reducing population. How can we hope for or have a manageable , safe and controlled population of street dogs in Bangalore, or any place in India, if the government offices themselves are culpable? How can we hope for or have a manageable , safe and controlled population of street dogs in Bangalore, or any place in India, if the government offices themselves are culpable?

At a recent session of  parliament, I was shooed away by a cop from the gate, while feeding a mother dog,  saying that the police in charge there had banned any feeding and on the orders of a legislator, was planning to get them relocated the next day. Both are illegal! We immediately tweeted the police and stopped this. But it makes one think- why is the fence eating the crop? Why do lawmakers and bureaucracy have such a problem with implementing the laws that are made ? In fact , many actually break them - due to ignorance, indifference, lack of proper guidance , due to tacit support, sheer high handedness - or because they think they can. This is wrong. Let's address it by being good examples as law makers and government servants. Citizens will follow.

We demand that the Chief Minister makes it mandatory to ensure all government & public sector offices make an example to the community & its citizenry by responsible animal management and proper, compassionate  coordination for ABC and ARV. Unless they are model citizens, and implement rules  , one can hardly find fault with the common man when they commit crimes. We suggest an information and compassion drive across offices , with the help of the Administration or the Dept of Admin Reforms (DPAR), proper circulars to office staff, and coordination with the concerned NGOs handling ABC, ARV and training. 

We suggest that this first start with the Vidhana Soudha, High Court and the BBMP offices , where there are a large number of dogs, in addition to confused staff creating confusion and delays in ABC/ARV which could reduce population and increase people safety. Police stations, Post Offices, Electricity & Water Boards, hospitals, museums & parks should be targeted. A small

certificate displayed outside that all dogs in compound are safe - i.e. neutered/vaccinated will promote public confidence,be a self-attestation and motivate others. We would like this to filter across to all government offices, and have a proper media briefing so public is made aware of the drive and laudable intentions . The government will be doing a great service to the community and helpless animals by taking this simple suggestion in the right spirit, and in doing so , demonstrate its role as a model citizen as well.

Kya Idea Hai, Babu-ji..




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