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#IndieDogs stamp on Indian Post - #StampForIndies! Online petition to India Post, Govt of India

Writer: The CJ Memorial Trust The CJ Memorial Trust

The Indie Dog, also called the stray dog, streetie, Indian pariah etc has made its place in our streets, hearts and increasingly, our homes. We need to look at our own unique breed of Indian dog - hardy, loving, independent (but often subjected to disdain and cruelty) with more focus and interest. In fact a petition to declare a day in the year for the Indie Dog in India has been shared ( Even USA has a National Mutt Day )

Looking through the list of animals featured by our beloved posts , we have the lion and tiger appearing countless time, but there is not even one dedicated to the canine species.

It's time there was.

As a fiercely protected, much reviled , part of our Indian landscape, the mixed breed Indian dog (not just the pedigree Himalyan Sheep Dogs, Mudhols, Rampurs & Rajapalyams already commemorated in 2005) is also beloved by most Indians. Over the years , these dogs have evolved into much more companion animals with love and attachment to people, and rare aggression. In their uniqueness, their adaptability, loyalty, unselfish & casual companionship, their increasing centre stage and capturing the public imagination , they mirror India's own confident strides and increasing central place in the international arena. Being Indian is being proud. Being an Indian dog, is as much so.

Our Prime Minister in his recent speech also highlighted the need to Buy in India - and also spoke about compassion to dogs, with a request to only get hardy Indian dogs and Adopt in India. That progressive statement and Indian pride across our flora and fauna, and yes, our most beloved , resilient animal , the Indian Dog, emboldens us to ask for this postage stamp - of an Indie Dog. We want patriotism to take a new twist. Not just #AdoptDontShop , but Adopt Indies !

#IndieProud. we request India Posts to approve and release a suitable stamp featuring our regular Indian Dog at the earliest . Many things , in terms of more compassion to our Indian streeties, less cruelty , greater adoption of Indies as pets will come from the progressive action one Indian Posts featuring for the first time on its stamp - The Native Indian Dog In future, we are sure this will become a collectible and show the unique initiative of India Posts.

We do know that Proposals for issue of Postage Stamps may be sent by any citizen of India. So we are proposing this , for your kind action . It will impact many, and allow India Posts focus on India, all things Indian, patriotic and representative of Indian progress - to shine though.












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