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Christmas@Cubbon - Santa BOW Wow on 22 Dec 2019

Writer: The CJ Memorial Trust The CJ Memorial Trust

Updated: Dec 19, 2019

Press Release

For Immediate Release:

The Doggy Event of the Season is Back!

Third Annual Santa BowWow 2019 to be held on Sunday, December 22 at The Weekend Cubbon Park

---Annual CJ Memorial Trust (CJMT) Award 2019 to be presented on the Occasion---

Bengaluru, Tuesday, 17 December 2019:

After two succesful #SantaBowWow events in the last two years, the third annual # Santa BowWow , a beloved annual milestone for dog lovers, kids and parents, is back this year again and will be held on Sunday, December 22, 2019 at the Weekend Dog Park, Cubbon Park. The event organised by  #CJMT  (CJ Memorial Trust) & Cubbon Park Canines’ brings together dogs, pet parents and kids in a festive, jolly  setting to celebrate the Christmas spirit. Originally started as an event to help kids to deal with dogs more safely, help kids approach and care for animals and promote compassion and care, it has today become a much larger event with more causes under its banner. BBMP and IChangeMyCity have come forward again to support CJMT SantaBowWow 2019.

The third annual SantaBowWow event will also witness the presentation of the Annual CJ

Memorial Trust (#CJMT) Award 2019 by the Police Commissioner Bhaskar Rao to the

awardees. There will also be the launch of the National Indie Dog Day by a mystery celebrity.

The two previous annual events had the #KidsAndDogs theme and family and safety. In its third

year, it has a wide array of activities focused on the Christmas spirit and the timeless magic of

children & dogs. There will be carol singing with lots of prizes to be given away to kids and

doggies, especially for  IndieDogs and rescues. The Kids and Dogs session will be conducted by

Manjari and Adoo. Parikrama  Foundation school kids will attend with  their school dog as well!

Another highlight this year is the support by Prasad Bidapa Institute for the Cubbon Parkies.

There will be a #RescueOnRamp fashion show where the parents with their rescues will walk the

ramp and show off their wonderful, heart-warming happily ever afters. What better time of the

year than Christmas to do this? 

Sharing his thoughts, Prasad Bidapa says: ‘I’m so happy to be supporting The CJ Memorial Trust

and the Cubbon Park Canines who has been doing sterling work on animal advocacy, creating

communities and Dog Rescues. It’s going to be both uplifting and fun to have (and share stories

of) the Doggy #RescuesOnRamp with their incredible parents, now family. My models and I are

looking forward to the whole Christmas spirit, with kids and dogs, as well as the CJMT award and

the #IndiedogDay launch. I hope many people come by to enjoy this wonderful opportunity and

the magic of canines, children and Christmas! ‘ 


Date: Sunday, December 22, 2019

Time: 9 am to 11.30 am

Venue: Sunday Dog Park, Cubbon Park, Next to Central Library

Details: Click Facebook Event  Santa BowWow  Sunday. 22nd December, 9- 1130 am at Weekend

Cubbon Park  Christmas at the Park...


About  CJ Memorial Trust  (CJMT) and Facebook group  Cubbon Park Canin es (CPC)

CPC is an active Facebook group with over 14000 dog lovers (and a waiting list of 10,000!)

.Knights of Cubbon Bark that actively care for the   celebrated Cubbon Park Dog or #Parkies and

also runs the largest, most beloved free Dog Park in the Country – Sunday Cubbon Dog

Park  With over 300 dogs that visit , it has become a space for socialisation, training, promoting

adoption and compassion. CJMT (of which CPC is one initiative) has been in the forefront of

many campaigns & advocacy initiatives including Ban Online Pet Sales, Not Without My Dog et


Contact : 

Priya Chetty-Rajagopal +919880713031 | Sukanya Sinha 9844003855

Event Organised by: The Cubbon Park Canines & ; The CJ Memorial Trust




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The CJMT Christmas Event- Christmas@Cubbon Santa Bow Wow is a beloved annual milestone for dog lovers, kids and parents


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