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BBMP Community Guidelines - Feeders , RWA & Institutions

Writer: The CJ Memorial Trust The CJ Memorial Trust

 These detailed guidelines were isssued by BBMP in July 2024 and are helpful to al stakeholders. Please click on appropriate link below to get the relevant circular and details.









Feeding Responsibility

Maintain continuity, financial stability, personal oversight.

Avoid gaps in feeding, ensure accountability.

Feeding Practices

Provide one full healthy meal per day, avoid extreme timings, use reusable plates, clean feeding spots.

No raw meat or sugary biscuits, prevent rodent issues.

Feeding Locations

Feed in assigned spots, avoid private property without permission, avoid high-traffic areas.

Coordinate with associations and BBMP.

Safety and Legal

Keep animal law documents handy, use a bodycam, avoid isolated areas, report issues to BBMP/police.

Prioritize peaceful mediation.

Animal Care

coordinate with BBMP officials for vaccination and neutering.

Socialize with other feeders.


get written permission to feed on campus, if you are not a student or employee.

As per circular released by Animal Welfare Board of India, hereafter referred to as "AWBI", dated 14.08-2020 [No.9-2/2015-16/PCA] & Pet dog circular dated 26.02.2015, Assignment of feeding spots circular No.6-2/2020-21/PCA dated 03.03.2021, Animal Birth Control Rules, 2023 & Prevention of Cruelty on Animals Act, 1960, harassing citizens for keeping pets, or feeding street dogs & cats, hereafter referred to as "Community Animals" is a punishable offense.

As per S.L.P (C) No. 11686 of 2007 in the matter of Animal Welfare Board of India Vs A. Nagaraja and others & many other Supreme Court orders, it is the responsibility of the States, Central Government, Union Territories (in short "Governments") to ensure all animals & birds have access to food, shelter, medicines & a safe space to thrive.

In line with the above, we are hereby publishing the below listed guideline to facilitate feeding of community animals in Bengaluru.

1.      Please take up feeding animals only if you are able to maintain continuity. Gaps in feeding can make dogs and cats restless & at times aggressive.

2.      Please take up feeding if you are financially sound to maintain continuity on your own.

3.      Please take up feeding only if you can personally oversee the feeding activity to maintain accountability in case of issues.

4.      Please take up feeding if you can provide one full healthy meal per animal per day.

5.      Avoid alternate day feeding in places where there is no food source for animals.

6.      Always keep a document about animal laws handy.

7.      Do not go inside anybody's property to feed without permission.

8.      Know your rights, and invest in a bodycam for your own safety. Keep your mobile with you always.

9.      Avoid feeding community animals in extreme timings i.e. after 11:30PM or before 5AM unless there is a beat police around to provide protection in your area.

10.   Avoid venturing alone to feed in places that are isolated.

11.   Avoid feeding community animals; raw meat, biscuits with high sugar content as this makes the dogs hyperactive.

12.   If possible, please use reusable plates and clean the place post feeding rounds.

13.   Avoid leaving the leftover food on the curb side as this can create rodent issues in societies.

14.   If you are feeding community animals of your society then please get feeding spots assigned with  the help of association president and BBMP and feeding in assigned spots only.

15.   Avoid feeding community animals in front of anybody's house, entrance or exit of a society, basement parking area, children's play area and in common areas frequented by public. [a]

16.   Avoid feeding at a time when public density is high as dogs tend to get protective about their food.

17.   Feed dogs in their own territory, do not bundle them in one single place & feed.

18.   Avoid getting into altercations and opt for peaceful mediation with residents. Take help of BBMP zonal AD in case of situations that can wait till next day. Take help of police only in extreme situations.

19.   If you are feeding in an education institution / tech park / any other gated campus where you are not a student / employee / resident, then we recommend you to take written permission from the respective officials of the premises to avoid trespassing charges.

20.   Please coordinate with BBMP officials of your zone to get the dogs you are feeding; vaccinated & neutered.

21.   Socialize with other feeders in your area, to manage ba requir ments in case of an unforeseen circumstance.








ABC Programs

Mandatory vaccination and neutering, no relocation.

Coordinate with BBMP.

Animal Care

Provide food, water, and shelter.

Assign feeding spots and timings.

Security and Legal

No chasing with sticks, display advisory boards, prevent harassment.

Conduct awareness trainings.


Contact BBMP @ 1533.

As per circular released by Animal Welfare Board of India, hereafter referred to as "AWBI", dated 14.08.2020 [No.9-2/2015-16/PCA] & Pet dog circular dated 26.02.2015, Animal Birth Control Rules, 2023 & Prevention of Cruelty on Animals Act, 1960, harassing citizens for keeping pets, or feeding street dogs & cats, hereafter referred to as "Community Animals" is a punishable offense.

As per S.L.P (C) No. 11686 of 2007 in the matter of Animal Welfare Board of India Vs A. Nagaraja and others & many other Supreme Court orders, it is the responsibility of the States, Central Government, Union Territories (in short "Governments") to ensure all animals & birds have the five freedoms listed below.

Residential Welfare Associations / Apartment Owners Associations / or any other groups / general body cannot adopt any rules or bye-laws overriding the rules mentioned by AWB/ even with complete majority or by using any subterfuge methods including intimidation of pet owners, feeders through mobbing, ostracizing, boycotting or verbally abusing, taking videos or doing anonymous cyber bullying. Such actions are punishable under law.

Five freedoms of animals:

o       Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition. By providing ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour.

o       Freedom from discomfort and exposure. ... o Freedom from pain, injury, and disease. . o Freedom from fear and distress. .

o       Freedom to express normal behaviour.




Management Responsibilities

Enforce animal laws, assign feeding spots, facilitate ABC programs, conduct awareness programs.

No rules overriding AWBI guidelines, prevent harassment.

Pet Owner Rights

Pets allowed in common areas, no muzzles, no forced abandonment, no pet bans.

Barking allowed, but address incessant barking.

Pet Owner Responsibilities

Maintain pet hygiene, leash pets, provide adequate care, sterilize pets.

Pick up after pets, adhere to association guidelines.

Conflict Resolution

Promote peaceful mediation, discourage hate mongering, train security personnel.

Refer to Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, and ABC Rules, 2023.


Report relocation, feeding issues, unlicensed breeding, or dog bite incidents to the BBMP hotline 1533.

To: Manaqement - Residential Welfare Associations & Apartment Owner Associations

1.     The bye-laws created by the association must not contain any points that can cause pain & discomfort to animals owned by residents and the existing animal laws must be enforced in letter & spirit.

2.     Pets are allowed in common areas, lifts with leash. If there is a possibility then association must assign separate lifts, pet areas to reduce conflicts.

3.     No pets can be forced to use a muzzle. It is against the law and is considered cruelty.

4.     Pet parents cannot be coerced through direct or indirect methods to let go, abandon or cage their pets in any situation.

5.     Associations cannot ban pets in their society. All citizens have equal rights to care for the environment &  opt for a pet of their choice.

6.     Barking is a way of expression for dogs similar to humans' speaking. There cannot be any ban imposed on barking. However, incessant barking or howling can be addressed on a case by case basis by the association.

7.     Associations must assign a set time in the morning & evening to allow pets to be walked so that they can get enough exercise & there is no conflict with walking & playing time of other residents through mutual discussion.

8.     Association to report to BBMP AHD [@1533], in case they come across any form of breeding activities without registration in the premises.

9.     Associations to facilitate assignment of feeding spots to feed street dogs / cats in the premises without any form of harassment or intimidation.

10.   In case of no feeders coming forward in their own premises, then associations are recommended to identify a feeder externally and allow them to feed the dogs / cats in the premises as per point 20 sub rule 1 under Animal Birth Control 2023 rules.

11.   Association to coordinate with BBMP to collar — deworm — vaccinate & neuter all dogs in the premises.

12.   Association to notify BBMP by calling 1533, in case of a dog bite incident occurring from community dogs.

13.   Association to conduct awareness about animals' rights & laws, steps to protect oneself from conflicts & dog bites and to also put appropriate signage & advisories in common areas & feeding spots with timings proactively.

14.   Street dogs / cats staying in the premises cannot be relocated or moved to street post construction of the facility. Dogs picked for neutering cannot be released outside the gated campus. They must be released in their original location from where they were caught.

15.   Relocation of dogs / cats, separating mother & pups, depriving community animals' [Dogs & Cats] access to food, water or shelter, killing or maiming them, & any other act that can cause them distress is illegal and a punishable offense. Prevention of Cruelty on Animals Act, 1960.

16.   Scaring, chasing or threatening animals using sticks, through security or facility agency is considered as an act of cruelty & is punishable.

17.   Associations to take positive steps within the gambit of law to reduce the conflicts between residents about community animals by opting for peaceful mediation wherever possible.

18.   Wilful hate mongering & fear mongering in matters pertaining to pets & animals' society groups should be discouraged by the Association.

19.   Security agency must be trained on community animal behaviours' [Dogs & Cats], to be able to coach residents while they are in common areas to avoid conflicts and mishaps.

20.   Associations to address boundary walls issue, fencing issues and garbage management issues if any, in the premises to avoid attracting dogs / cats.

In case of conflicts, please refer to the following documents:

To: Pet Owners: [Includes Doqs & Cats

1.     Pet owners to always verify if they have sufficient space indoors & outdoors to keep pets.

2.     Pet owners to proactively declare the number of pets they own to the association if any.

3.     Pets must be cleaned & groomed from time to time, dewormed & defleaed, vaccinated & neutered. To ensure all health records of the pets are maintained and up to date and the vaccination records are sent to the association.

4.     To maintain good hygiene & cleanliness inside the house, balcony, private terrace if any to ensure neighbours' are not inconvenienced.

5.     Pet owners are advised to pick after their pets & dispose the excreta as per association guidelines or in a way that doesn't inconvenience anyone. To ensure lift / stairs / passage ways are cleaned in case of a mess from the pet unexpectedly.

6.     If pets are provided an alternate lift, alternate common area or dedicated pet area, then we recommend pet owners to use the alternate option.

7.     To adhere to association guidelines & notify BBMP in case of rules defined, that might cause grief to pets and is outside the existing animal laws.

8.     To ensure pets (excluding cats) are always leashed while taking for walks in common areas by using a snugly fit harness and a length of leash that doesn't intimidate others.

9.     To ensure pets have access to sufficient clean water, nutritious food, and timely medical support at any point of time.

10.  To provide clean & appropriate bedding for pets to rest.

11.  To ensure none of the pets are caged or leashed or left in balcony or at places where there is no cover  from extreme weather conditions - 24*7.

12.  It is the responsibility of the pet owners to ensure their pets are sterilized before they attain the breeding age as per ABC law 2023, point 8 sub rule 1.

13.  Animals mirror the behaviour of their owner, it is advised to spend healthy amount of time with your pets and train them if they are hyperactive, to avoid mishaps in public interactions.

14.  Incessant barking or howling can be a cause of concern for neighbours. Pet owners are advised to take appropriate measures to check the reason for such behaviour and make corrections to help solve the issue.

15.  Children below 18yrs of age must not be allowed to walk or handle pets in public spaces without adult supervision.

Please reach out to BBMP helpline for any other issues @_ 1533.

In case of conflicts, please refer to the following documents:

Prevention of Cruelty on Animals Act, 1960 ll. Animal Birth Control Rules, 2023

Pet dog circular dated 26.02.2015                                                                                        








ABC Programs

Mandatory vaccination and neutering, no relocation.

Coordinate with BBMP.

Animal Care

Provide food, water, and shelter.

Assign feeding spots and timings.

Security and Legal

No chasing with sticks, display advisory boards, prevent harassment.

Conduct awareness trainings.


Contact BBMP @ 1533.

As per circular released by Animal Welfare Board of India, hereafter referred to as "AWBI", dated 14.08.2020 [No.9-2/2015-16/PCA] & Pet dog circular dated 26.02.2015, Assignment of feeding spots circular No.6-2/2020-21/PCA dated 03.03.2021, Animal Birth Control Rules, 2023 & Prevention of Cruelty on Animals Act, 1960, harassing citizens for keeping pets, or feeding street dogs & cats, hereafter referred to as "Community Animals" is a punishable offense.

As per S.L.P (C) No. 11686 of 2007 in the matter of Animal Welfare Board of India Vs A. Nagaraja and others & many other Supreme Court orders, it is the responsibility of the States, Central Government, Union Territories (in short "Governments") to ensure all animals & birds have the five freedoms listed below.

In line with the above, we are hereby publishing the below listed guideline to facilitate feeding of community animals in the premises of educational institutions.

Five freedoms of animals:

o Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition. By providing ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour. o Freedom from discomfort and exposure. o Freedom from pain, injury, and disease o Freedom from fear and distress o Freedom to express normal behaviour.

Fostering respect to nature & its creations, following eco-friendly practices & coexistence is the only way to create a positive & sustainable society.

It is mandatory for institutions to implement Animal Birth Control Rules, 2023 to avoid any form of cruelty to animals & birds. [c]

1.     Community animals can only be vaccinated and neutered but cannot be relocated from their original place. Dogs picked from the premises must be released inside the premises only. Institutions to take lead in coordinating with BBMP to conduct these activities.

2.     Institutions to make arrangements for community animals: for food [Once per day], clean water to drink with water bowls kept at various spots and safe space to take shelter away from areas frequented by students.

3.     To facilitate students / staff / employees / citizens who are feeding the community animals by assigning feeding spots & feeding timings with the help of BBMP.

4.     Chasing dogs & cats away by security with sticks or bouncers is illegal. Security agencies should be trained to handle dogs and cats safely as per law.

5.     Appropriate advisory boards must be displayed evidently in all areas frequented by public to feed animals as per instructions in the assigned spots only.

6.     Appropriate advisory boards must be displayed evidently in all areas frequented by public on steps that can be taken to prevent dog bites.

7.     Relocation of dogs / cats, separating mother & pups, depriving community animals' access to food, water or shelter, killing or maiming them, & any other act that can cause them distress is illegal and a punishable offense.

8.     Appropriate awareness trainings to be conducted on a quarterly basis to increase comp sion towards animals & birds.


Contact BBMP @ 1533 in case of any questions.

In case of conflicts, please refer to the following documents:



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